Recently, Gwen's dad got in touch and shared some photos of Gwen and asked if we knew of any other surviving members of the puppy mill raid that produced that group of dogs. We only know of two, Cora and Gwen, but please do send us further updates on other survivors if you know of them!
Cora remains emotionally traumatized by her years in the mill. She loves her family, but does not enjoy the company of strange people. Here's what her mom says:
"Cora is now 10 years old and still dislikes
anyone other than us!! LOL She lives to eat our son-in-law, so
we crate her when he is here for anything beyond 15 minutes or so. We
have a permanent gate from the living room to the rest of the house with
a part that slides or rolls open/closed, and
it is invaluable for us and the crew!!

Overall, she is a healthy dog and only visits the vet once a
year for annual tests and the very rare ailment, usually her knees
acting up as she ages."
Gwen's dad also sent us along some photos and he told us a little
about Gwen, who is trundling along still at 15 years old! Almost unheard-of for a Frenchie to reach that age, and it speaks to her adopter's very good care. Gwen was known as Gina when she was with us.
Here's his note:
"...When we adopted her in 2005 her age was approximately 5 years old and now she should be around 15. The thing is, she gets around better and is more active than dogs I know that are a quarter of her age."
As you can see, Gwen has very little gray in her schmuzzle, and she is a very pretty little beast.
If you know of another of the NC10 survivors, please do let us know! We'd love to hear from them.
It's good to touch base with old-timers like Gwen, Cora, and
The Frog Princess