Currently on eBay are 4 items that have been donated to FBRN to help raise funds for our foster dogs. Please visit the links below. All proceeds benefit the rescue dogs of FBRN so bid high. Thank you.
Shelton Brooks sheet music
dog collar with silver frogs
French Bulldog print
Ruehl French Bulldog pajama bottoms
Tuesday, July 28
Sunday, July 26
Puppies Are Here!
Wanna see a picture? No?
Just teasing! Here they are. Adorable, no?
3 girls: 2 brindle girls and a cream or fawn girl; 1 black masked fawn boy. From left to right in the photo: girl, boy, girl, girl.
One of the puppies has a hernia (not a serious problem) or a malformed urethra (very serious problem). Please keep a good thought for all the puppies.
Daizy Mae has milk, all the puppies have latched on, and Daizy Mae is a relaxed, easygoing mom.
Adorable, YES! votes
The Frog Princess
Just teasing! Here they are. Adorable, no?
3 girls: 2 brindle girls and a cream or fawn girl; 1 black masked fawn boy. From left to right in the photo: girl, boy, girl, girl.
One of the puppies has a hernia (not a serious problem) or a malformed urethra (very serious problem). Please keep a good thought for all the puppies.
Daizy Mae has milk, all the puppies have latched on, and Daizy Mae is a relaxed, easygoing mom.
Adorable, YES! votes
The Frog Princess
Daizy is on her way into surgery! There will be puppies!
Keep a good thought for her and the babies.
The Frog Princess
The Frog Princess
Saturday, July 25
French Fry UPDATE
Here's the newest post about our French Fry:
"Little Miss French Fry is doing wonderful. She is able to push herself up but can't get her back legs set completely under her. If we help her she is able to hold herself up for a very short period before sinking back down. We continue to do the massage and range of motion with her and she enjoys it very much. She will just rest her head on you and fall asleep. She goes for a recheck and to have her staples removed on Monday. Once the staples are out we can do hydrotherapy with her. She is off all her meds now and sometimes still shows a little discomfort but never whines or cries. She bounces like a ball in happiness when she sees you. She is the sweetest thing and gives happy little snorts and grunts when being held. She is fast stealing our hearts the way all little frenchies should."
That's the way to show them how it's done, French Fry!
The Frog Princess
"Little Miss French Fry is doing wonderful. She is able to push herself up but can't get her back legs set completely under her. If we help her she is able to hold herself up for a very short period before sinking back down. We continue to do the massage and range of motion with her and she enjoys it very much. She will just rest her head on you and fall asleep. She goes for a recheck and to have her staples removed on Monday. Once the staples are out we can do hydrotherapy with her. She is off all her meds now and sometimes still shows a little discomfort but never whines or cries. She bounces like a ball in happiness when she sees you. She is the sweetest thing and gives happy little snorts and grunts when being held. She is fast stealing our hearts the way all little frenchies should."
That's the way to show them how it's done, French Fry!
The Frog Princess
Thursday, July 23
Doctor, Doctor, Give Me the News
I hear there's babies comin'--twos and twos!
One of a pair of Frenchies we accepted recently is great with froglettes! Looks like 4 of 'em! Looks like any day now. Maybe even tomorrow. Yikes!
Daizy Mae isn't even on the website yet, but if you'd like to buy her a layette for her puppies, you can do that here. In the comments section of the paypal screen, just tell us it's for the puppies.
Oh, my, what a story there is to tell. Daizy Mae and her littermate Bear were accidentally allowed to consort while Daizy was in season. Her mom had to give them both up and surrendered them to us to a first time foster mom. We didn't know the girl was enciente, and when we found out we had to scramble to find a family with the knowledge and access to a vet who could handle a delivery of pups who'd had no prenatal care until the final two weeks or so of her pregnancy.
A friend of FBRN, not even a volunteer, but a supporter and a friend, came to our rescue by finding someone who could take Daizy through
her final days of pregnancy, delivery and the very important first weeks of the puppies' life. She isn't a volunteer, either. Why do we have to rely on the kindness of friends and strangers? Because we don't have enough volunteers in Southern California to take the dogs we receive. We don't understand this, since Frenchies are in the top ten most popular dogs in both NoCal and SoCal. But there it is. Puzzling but true. (Say, if you live in California and you would like to help us with our flood of Frenchies, check out this page and get in touch with Kathi Luljak, our volunteer coordinator. We really need foster homes in California.)
So our wonderful friend, who is a breeder, and his wonderful friend are doing FBRN a big, BIG favor and caring for Daizy's newly whelped puppies and their mom. Our friend has asked his very experienced reproduction-specialist vet to take care of the puppies, so Daizy will have top-drawer care from a bulldog knowledgeable vet. Here's what we learned today about Daizy Mae's condition:
"The summary of today's visit is:
There still appear to be four puppies and four heartbeats.
Because she saw defined heads and spines on the x-ray taken 7/14, her educated guess was the pups were 7-10 days from birth on 7/14. Yes your math is right, she is due at any moment.
A progesterone test
was done today and today is NOT the day. Another test will be run tomorrow morning with results in hours. Things can change fast so it could be tomorrow.
Daisy did eat and drink today so she also thinks today is not the day.
Daisy has swollen front paws that appear due to allergies and secondary yeast. I've seen much worse. She has a yeast issue in one ear. They will flush at time of surgery. No mites. Again, not terrible.
I found Daisy to be a VERY sweet, happy, and calm girl. She was calmer at the vet than any of my girls ever are. She is going to make someone a wonderful pet when adopted. She appears to love kids, dogs, vets, everything. She wags her tail a lot and tries to get in her foster mom's and her daughter's laps as if she has known them forever. She weighed 24 1/2 pounds today and I would guess her natural weight is around 20.

Further update / pupdate tomorrow late morning / early afternoon unless something changes.
Go Daisy!"
Ooh, Little Daizy Mae! We are all going to be thinking good thoughts for you and
hoping for the best! We hope our supporters will send you some moola and we can't wait to see your puppies!

We are as excited as anyone to hear the story of Daizy Mae's delivery, and we will come back and report as soon as we hear anything. That's a promise from
The Frog Princess
PS We are very envious of that delightful bag in the lowermost photo. Perhaps four puppies could fit in there one day?
Friday: Hormone levels haven't risen, and Daizy had some breakfast. Maybe tonight or tomorrow, but not today!
Saturday update: Hormone levels are holding steady! Probably not going to be today.

One of a pair of Frenchies we accepted recently is great with froglettes! Looks like 4 of 'em! Looks like any day now. Maybe even tomorrow. Yikes!
Daizy Mae isn't even on the website yet, but if you'd like to buy her a layette for her puppies, you can do that here. In the comments section of the paypal screen, just tell us it's for the puppies.

Oh, my, what a story there is to tell. Daizy Mae and her littermate Bear were accidentally allowed to consort while Daizy was in season. Her mom had to give them both up and surrendered them to us to a first time foster mom. We didn't know the girl was enciente, and when we found out we had to scramble to find a family with the knowledge and access to a vet who could handle a delivery of pups who'd had no prenatal care until the final two weeks or so of her pregnancy.
A friend of FBRN, not even a volunteer, but a supporter and a friend, came to our rescue by finding someone who could take Daizy through

So our wonderful friend, who is a breeder, and his wonderful friend are doing FBRN a big, BIG favor and caring for Daizy's newly whelped puppies and their mom. Our friend has asked his very experienced reproduction-specialist vet to take care of the puppies, so Daizy will have top-drawer care from a bulldog knowledgeable vet. Here's what we learned today about Daizy Mae's condition:
"The summary of today's visit is:
There still appear to be four puppies and four heartbeats.
Because she saw defined heads and spines on the x-ray taken 7/14, her educated guess was the pups were 7-10 days from birth on 7/14. Yes your math is right, she is due at any moment.
A progesterone test
Daisy did eat and drink today so she also thinks today is not the day.
Daisy has swollen front paws that appear due to allergies and secondary yeast. I've seen much worse. She has a yeast issue in one ear. They will flush at time of surgery. No mites. Again, not terrible.
I found Daisy to be a VERY sweet, happy, and calm girl. She was calmer at the vet than any of my girls ever are. She is going to make someone a wonderful pet when adopted. She appears to love kids, dogs, vets, everything. She wags her tail a lot and tries to get in her foster mom's and her daughter's laps as if she has known them forever. She weighed 24 1/2 pounds today and I would guess her natural weight is around 20.
Further update / pupdate tomorrow late morning / early afternoon unless something changes.
Go Daisy!"
Ooh, Little Daizy Mae! We are all going to be thinking good thoughts for you and

We are as excited as anyone to hear the story of Daizy Mae's delivery, and we will come back and report as soon as we hear anything. That's a promise from
The Frog Princess
PS We are very envious of that delightful bag in the lowermost photo. Perhaps four puppies could fit in there one day?
Friday: Hormone levels haven't risen, and Daizy had some breakfast. Maybe tonight or tomorrow, but not today!
Saturday update: Hormone levels are holding steady! Probably not going to be today.
Contest for Young Frogdog Fans!
Fergus, FBRN foster and sneaky snuggler. 
The deadline for our JV Photo & Video Contest, August 19, will be here before you know it. Please do send any interested young person (ages 4-18) to our website for contest details.
Official JV membership is not required to participate. Nor must the Frenchie be an FBRN frog, with the exception of the Super Fantastic Extra Special Bonus Contest.

FBRN foster Gui and Lily
Don't have any kids in your immediate family? I will bet that your frenchie has a fanclub that may include a small person. FBRN graduate, Reggie, is a regular celebrity in his neighborhood. Often heard when out walking is "Reggie!" followed by the galloping of a gaggle of kids running out to say hello. Certainly Reggie and his pal, Brook, are not the only frogs who stop traffic when they're out about town.
Polka Dot and a Pal!
It's as easy as pie to direct folks to our website. Make mention the JV Contest. Our secret panel of judges would love big numbers to view and choose from. Another terrific place for spreading the word is at your local frenchie meetup group.
FBRN grad Waffle and his brother, Rambler
An official or unofficial JV'er could make their Frenchie famous!
Don't delay. Frenchie photo and video opportunity is now!
Future FBRN volunteers may well start right here.
Thanks to Lesley Jensen for organizing the contest!
The deadline for our JV Photo & Video Contest, August 19, will be here before you know it. Please do send any interested young person (ages 4-18) to our website for contest details.
Official JV membership is not required to participate. Nor must the Frenchie be an FBRN frog, with the exception of the Super Fantastic Extra Special Bonus Contest.

FBRN foster Gui and Lily
Don't have any kids in your immediate family? I will bet that your frenchie has a fanclub that may include a small person. FBRN graduate, Reggie, is a regular celebrity in his neighborhood. Often heard when out walking is "Reggie!" followed by the galloping of a gaggle of kids running out to say hello. Certainly Reggie and his pal, Brook, are not the only frogs who stop traffic when they're out about town.

It's as easy as pie to direct folks to our website. Make mention the JV Contest. Our secret panel of judges would love big numbers to view and choose from. Another terrific place for spreading the word is at your local frenchie meetup group.
An official or unofficial JV'er could make their Frenchie famous!
Don't delay. Frenchie photo and video opportunity is now!
Future FBRN volunteers may well start right here.
Thanks to Lesley Jensen for organizing the contest!
Wednesday, July 22
Carmen Goes to Work
We tried very hard to make some kind of pun out of Carmen Goes and Karmann Ghia, but we just couldn't make it happen. Probably the cook has been substituting decaf for our regular high-octane coffee again. She's only got the two heads remaining, one would think the silly thing would get a clue after we lopped off the first 3.

She's always forgetting that though a less twitchy and accelerated monarch may seem more appealing, caffeine withdrawal makes for a cranky monarch. And an armed and irritable monarch is a dangerous thing.
Here is a photo and a story for you about Carmy, our foster girl with the 100 watt smile who goes to work sometimes in an unnamed county in an unnamed state in an unnamed country. We don't want anyone to get fussed at, so we'll leave it that way.
"Today Carmy decided she needed a job and is helping out in animal control dispatch for the day. My work has shots clinics and she got all her shots updated and a county tag for $ easy donation. She was an instant hit and will continue her volunteer time in dispatch until I'm off work!
Now if only I could find a small child to see if she is child friendly....humm."
Perhaps that foolish cook has an extra child we could experiment with, sleepily but vengefully schemes
The Frog Princess

She's always forgetting that though a less twitchy and accelerated monarch may seem more appealing, caffeine withdrawal makes for a cranky monarch. And an armed and irritable monarch is a dangerous thing.
Here is a photo and a story for you about Carmy, our foster girl with the 100 watt smile who goes to work sometimes in an unnamed county in an unnamed state in an unnamed country. We don't want anyone to get fussed at, so we'll leave it that way.
"Today Carmy decided she needed a job and is helping out in animal control dispatch for the day. My work has shots clinics and she got all her shots updated and a county tag for $ easy donation. She was an instant hit and will continue her volunteer time in dispatch until I'm off work!
Now if only I could find a small child to see if she is child friendly....humm."
Perhaps that foolish cook has an extra child we could experiment with, sleepily but vengefully schemes
The Frog Princess
Friday, July 17
A French Fry that is GOOD for YOU!

Meet one of our newest Frenchies, French Fry. She was taken to a shelter to be euthanized when her owners discovered that she was down in the back. The shelter gave them a phone number for one of our volunteers, the owners then met with a volunteer and French Fry was transported to a different volunteer with lots of experience with paralyzed dogs.
The first vet the owners saw thought Frenchie'd never walk again, and we were fine with that; we thought we'd get her a cart and let her zip around.

Turns out, French Fry's chances of a full recovery are quite good. She had a slipped disk, which was repaired, and she is doing very well. She's in good spirits, is eating well and has recovered from the pretty severe case of dehydration she had upon arrival. Give this girl 4 to 8 weeks of recovery, and we are hoping she'll be as good as new.

If you haven't checked out our website cover this week, we hope you will skitter on over and take a peek. We are all especially proud of it. Our volunteer Julie Farrell did the artwork. If you can spare a dime or a dollar, we could really use the funds. French Fry might be the last spinal-injured dog we'll be able to try to surgically fix until our reserves are replenished. Given the choice, we love to see an injured dog walk again--a cart is a distant second choice for a dog with a good chance of a full recovery.

Keep an eye out for French Fry on the available page. We'll update you as she goes through her recovery process, promises
The Frog Princess
Sat morning update from French Fry's foster mom: "French Fry is doing very well. She was trying to stand last evening and has a little more movement in her left leg. The Dr. says that because of the slipped disk putting the pressure on the right side it will be a little slower in coming back. She is eating well. They are checking her badder and expressing it if need be until she has full control over it again."
Sun morning update:
"Well, the little girl is home and doing very well. She is trying to push herself up in the rear. She seems to be very comfortable and wants to be with her foster brother as bad as he wants to be with her.

We agree with that assessment of that joke, French Fry! It earns a raspberry from you as well as
The Frog Princess
Tuesday, July 14
"Boogie nights duh dunh dunh BOOGie nights..."
We just love our old boys and girls. People give up their old dogs for a variety of reasons.

We got Nite from a vet clinic when they were able to talk his owners out of putting him to sleep.
The owners claimed he was leaking urine. We aren't calling them liars, but we've seen no evidence of that problem in the weeks that we've had him. We did see evidence of a kind-hearted vet and clinic staff, though. The vet tech intern even came in on her day off to make sure that Nite had a shampoo, and his ears were clean, and he had a toenail clip before he left. Nite was looking his best and feeling clean and shiny when our volunteer came by to pick him up. We were very touched by that gesture of kindness.

Such a handsome elderly Frenchie. His foster mom and dad are just smitten with him. We laid out some serious scratch for this old school dancing fool, and it was worth it to see him feeling so much better. Here's what his foster mom said:

"Nite, or Boogie Nite, as my husband affectionately calls him, had surgery on Tuesday to clean up his poor mouth and teeth and remove two (which turned out to be 3) growths. He ended up having 9 teeth removed, the remaining ones cleaned, a benign growth in his mouth removed (it was growing over a back molar and down into his trachea), a growth on his lower lip removed and a suspicious growth in his groin area removed. My vet just called with the biopsy results on the last two growths. The one on the lip was a benign squamous papilloma. The one on the groin was a stage 1 mast cell with clean margins, so no further treatment is necessary - yay!

Nite is doing very well. He has recovered from his UTI, and enjoys lounging around. All my dogs love him, but my young boys play a little too rough for the oldster with pretty major orthopedic issues (very dysplastic in both hips and severe spinal arthritis). So they enjoy each other through an ex-pen... Nite gets plenty of cuddle time with us and is real joy to have here.
He will be going available soon. I was just waiting for the biopsy results."
Look at this boy's noble face! Imagine wanting to put him down for the crime of growing old! A sad day for all of us when someone can do something so inhumane. And what a reason to celebrate when those foul plans are foiled!
Meanwhile, in common with approximately 100 per cent of our volunteers, we ourselves admit to feelings of profound smittency as we regard this elderly animal's animal vitality, and also to experiencing an inexplicable urge to stand up and Do the Hustle! And believe us when we tell you that that urge is a sensation which is quite unnerving to one with as many candles on her cake as
The Frog Princess
PS Today happens to be Nite's birthday! Join us in lifting a glass of something cool and refreshing in his honor!

We got Nite from a vet clinic when they were able to talk his owners out of putting him to sleep.
The owners claimed he was leaking urine. We aren't calling them liars, but we've seen no evidence of that problem in the weeks that we've had him. We did see evidence of a kind-hearted vet and clinic staff, though. The vet tech intern even came in on her day off to make sure that Nite had a shampoo, and his ears were clean, and he had a toenail clip before he left. Nite was looking his best and feeling clean and shiny when our volunteer came by to pick him up. We were very touched by that gesture of kindness.

Such a handsome elderly Frenchie. His foster mom and dad are just smitten with him. We laid out some serious scratch for this old school dancing fool, and it was worth it to see him feeling so much better. Here's what his foster mom said:

"Nite, or Boogie Nite, as my husband affectionately calls him, had surgery on Tuesday to clean up his poor mouth and teeth and remove two (which turned out to be 3) growths. He ended up having 9 teeth removed, the remaining ones cleaned, a benign growth in his mouth removed (it was growing over a back molar and down into his trachea), a growth on his lower lip removed and a suspicious growth in his groin area removed. My vet just called with the biopsy results on the last two growths. The one on the lip was a benign squamous papilloma. The one on the groin was a stage 1 mast cell with clean margins, so no further treatment is necessary - yay!

Nite is doing very well. He has recovered from his UTI, and enjoys lounging around. All my dogs love him, but my young boys play a little too rough for the oldster with pretty major orthopedic issues (very dysplastic in both hips and severe spinal arthritis). So they enjoy each other through an ex-pen... Nite gets plenty of cuddle time with us and is real joy to have here.
He will be going available soon. I was just waiting for the biopsy results."

Look at this boy's noble face! Imagine wanting to put him down for the crime of growing old! A sad day for all of us when someone can do something so inhumane. And what a reason to celebrate when those foul plans are foiled!
Meanwhile, in common with approximately 100 per cent of our volunteers, we ourselves admit to feelings of profound smittency as we regard this elderly animal's animal vitality, and also to experiencing an inexplicable urge to stand up and Do the Hustle! And believe us when we tell you that that urge is a sensation which is quite unnerving to one with as many candles on her cake as
The Frog Princess
PS Today happens to be Nite's birthday! Join us in lifting a glass of something cool and refreshing in his honor!
Saturday, July 11
Can We Get a Trumpet Flourish, Please?
Prince's ability to escape his family's yard no matter what measures they took to contain him led the family to fear for his safety.
They found FBRN and we promised to find a family that would be a great fit for Prince.
So far, Prince has shown no escapist tendencies in his foster home, but foster dogs have fooled us in the past; they can sometimes take a few weeks to exhibit the behaviors that got them surrendered in the first place.
Meanwhile, Prince's foster family is keeping him occupied, providing lots of stimulation, and never letting him out in the yard alone.
Prince is a young dog, and he'll need exercise in his new home, whether it's fetch in a well-secured yard or a walk or two a day. He's not a set it and forget it kind of frog.
If you are looking for a Frenchie to have a catch with or to walk around the park with, keep an eye out for this beautiful boy and when he becomes available,
pounce on Prince!
He's a callow youth but comely withal, approves
The Frog Princess
Friday, July 10
Thursday, July 9
Bruno, formerly Uno, has been living in Canada with his adoptive family for over a year. We got a photo montage of his life and a narrative from Bruno we'd like to share with you! Here's Bruno's note:

"Look at how well behaved we are!
This is me, Mugzie and Buffyin our sun room. My Dad is standing on the deck with treats and my Mom is behind us taking the picture. I can’t believe how much praise we get for such simple little things. Mom says that she has to be fast to get a picture because Mugzie hardly ever sits still!

We have a family of chipmunks that live in here! Here I am visiting with them. There were 8 baby chipmunks last summer.

You wouldn’t believe all the places I have to explore and play hide and seek! I can talk through the fence to our neighbour’s Husky – he’s like me – he doesn’t bark either!
As soon as the snow is gone and the yard is dry enough we get to run & play out here.

Now this is what I call ‘The Mosh Pit’!
I have so much fun when the three of us are playing together!

In the beginning I had a few ‘minor humping’ incidents cuz I was quite enamoured with Mugzie & Buffy.
My family said that they couldn’t really blame me because ‘after all I had been a ‘professional’ for many years’! I still slip & sniff in inappropriate places & make the occasional amorous advance.
But, I think that I am over my crushes on the girls. And my Mom says that
I have learned to be quite the little gentleman now!!!’. Speaking of being a gentleman – here I am in my Christmas suit! – Mugzie & I were supposed to have our pictures taken – but Mugzie ATE her Santa hat!!! Mom says that she is not very ladylike!!!

I asked Mugzie if she is glad that I came to live with our family and she said ‘Yes’, because now she has a place to rest her head – on my butt!
I know that she was an ‘only Frenchie’ and has had to learn how to share her toys and that she is just teasing me!
I love having her to play with everyday too!
This is where we sit when we are checking out any visitors to our house!
When my new friends & neighbours welcomed me to Canada, they said
that our names sounded like the Sopranos’ were living in the house
hmmmmm - Bruno & Mugzie – just like a couple of gangsters eh!
It is hard to believe that I have only been here a little over a year! My family said that it feels as if I have always been with them. When I first came here, I was a little nervous and didn’t understand certain things.

And Guess What!!! My big sister has adopted a new dog too!!! His name is ‘Angel’ and he is a boxer. Here he is with Buffy. Next time I will send pictures of the four of us together.

So, this is the latest scoop on me!
I’m healthy, happy and living in Ontario, Canada!
My left ear is still perky and my right ear still flops. Everyone still thinks I am as cute as a button and loves me! My family says that I must have been loved a lot by someone along the way because I have such a gentle, sweet disposition. I know it is just the beginning of my new adventure with my forever family. I heard someone ask my Mom & Dad if there was anything wrong about me – and they said that the only thing wrong was that they didn’t find me 9 years ago!
PS: My family would like to say that they are so thankful to FBRN and the foster parents who helped Bruno along the way. A very special thanks to L. and T. for helping Bruno on his journey to his forever home with us. He has captured our hearts!"

Life is very good at Bruno's house, a fact that is plainly evident to
The Frog Princess

"Look at how well behaved we are!
This is me, Mugzie and Buffyin our sun room. My Dad is standing on the deck with treats and my Mom is behind us taking the picture. I can’t believe how much praise we get for such simple little things. Mom says that she has to be fast to get a picture because Mugzie hardly ever sits still!

We have a family of chipmunks that live in here! Here I am visiting with them. There were 8 baby chipmunks last summer.

You wouldn’t believe all the places I have to explore and play hide and seek! I can talk through the fence to our neighbour’s Husky – he’s like me – he doesn’t bark either!
As soon as the snow is gone and the yard is dry enough we get to run & play out here.

Now this is what I call ‘The Mosh Pit’!
I have so much fun when the three of us are playing together!

In the beginning I had a few ‘minor humping’ incidents cuz I was quite enamoured with Mugzie & Buffy.
My family said that they couldn’t really blame me because ‘after all I had been a ‘professional’ for many years’! I still slip & sniff in inappropriate places & make the occasional amorous advance.
But, I think that I am over my crushes on the girls. And my Mom says that
I have learned to be quite the little gentleman now!!!’. Speaking of being a gentleman – here I am in my Christmas suit! – Mugzie & I were supposed to have our pictures taken – but Mugzie ATE her Santa hat!!! Mom says that she is not very ladylike!!!

I asked Mugzie if she is glad that I came to live with our family and she said ‘Yes’, because now she has a place to rest her head – on my butt!
I know that she was an ‘only Frenchie’ and has had to learn how to share her toys and that she is just teasing me!
I love having her to play with everyday too!

When my new friends & neighbours welcomed me to Canada, they said
that our names sounded like the Sopranos’ were living in the house
hmmmmm - Bruno & Mugzie – just like a couple of gangsters eh!
It is hard to believe that I have only been here a little over a year! My family said that it feels as if I have always been with them. When I first came here, I was a little nervous and didn’t understand certain things.

And Guess What!!! My big sister has adopted a new dog too!!! His name is ‘Angel’ and he is a boxer. Here he is with Buffy. Next time I will send pictures of the four of us together.

So, this is the latest scoop on me!
I’m healthy, happy and living in Ontario, Canada!
My left ear is still perky and my right ear still flops. Everyone still thinks I am as cute as a button and loves me! My family says that I must have been loved a lot by someone along the way because I have such a gentle, sweet disposition. I know it is just the beginning of my new adventure with my forever family. I heard someone ask my Mom & Dad if there was anything wrong about me – and they said that the only thing wrong was that they didn’t find me 9 years ago!

PS: My family would like to say that they are so thankful to FBRN and the foster parents who helped Bruno along the way. A very special thanks to L. and T. for helping Bruno on his journey to his forever home with us. He has captured our hearts!"

Life is very good at Bruno's house, a fact that is plainly evident to
The Frog Princess
Tuesday, July 7
John Wayne of the TX13
Howdy, Pilgrims.

This is John Wayne. He's a gorgeous brindle boy who is absolutely loving his full time pet experience.
The TX 13 came to us from a breeder who was downsizing, and we are so glad she chose to bring her dogs to rescue rather than sell them, which she might easily have done.
Here's the first update we got from John Wayne's foster mom:
"He is an absolute sweetheart and we just can't say that enough. He's so gentle and loves people and dogs. We don't think he has ever met a stranger as he runs up and greets everyone he sees. He loves to romp and play, preferring soft toys to harder ones.

He's 2+ years old and has just been neutered (ouch). He is a handsome brindle and he will be a BIG boy once he gets to his proper weight. Once he puts on about 7 pounds he'll be looking pretty darn good.
He has a very flat face and may need special brachycephalic care or veterinary treatment.
He is recovering smoothly from an ear infection and some allergy issues with itchy skin. We're watching to see if the itchies clear on his new diet.

He has a bit of a lazy left eye, not bad, but you can tell it's off gaze a bit from time to time.
So far he is house broken, Yeah!
He is training quite easily except he is a big time barker. He does NOT like being all. As long as he can see you or be in the same room he is perfectly content to sleep and entertain himself. He's going to need companions in his forever home."
We believe that finding a home for this guy where he'll have plenty of love, soft toys, and companionship is going to be easy. Whether your favorite John Wayne film is Stagecoach, Rio Bravo, or Quiet Man--or something in between--you can apply to take him home. He'll appear on our foster page later this week.
True Grit and Stagecoach are highly recommended by
The Frog Princess
This is John Wayne. He's a gorgeous brindle boy who is absolutely loving his full time pet experience.
Here's the first update we got from John Wayne's foster mom:
"He is an absolute sweetheart and we just can't say that enough. He's so gentle and loves people and dogs. We don't think he has ever met a stranger as he runs up and greets everyone he sees. He loves to romp and play, preferring soft toys to harder ones.
He's 2+ years old and has just been neutered (ouch). He is a handsome brindle and he will be a BIG boy once he gets to his proper weight. Once he puts on about 7 pounds he'll be looking pretty darn good.
He has a very flat face and may need special brachycephalic care or veterinary treatment.
He is recovering smoothly from an ear infection and some allergy issues with itchy skin. We're watching to see if the itchies clear on his new diet.
He has a bit of a lazy left eye, not bad, but you can tell it's off gaze a bit from time to time.
So far he is house broken, Yeah!
He is training quite easily except he is a big time barker. He does NOT like being all. As long as he can see you or be in the same room he is perfectly content to sleep and entertain himself. He's going to need companions in his forever home."
We believe that finding a home for this guy where he'll have plenty of love, soft toys, and companionship is going to be easy. Whether your favorite John Wayne film is Stagecoach, Rio Bravo, or Quiet Man--or something in between--you can apply to take him home. He'll appear on our foster page later this week.
True Grit and Stagecoach are highly recommended by
The Frog Princess
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