As you can imagine, the life of a card sharp leads to all sorts of bad company and poor choices. Before long, Lucky Lu found herself banished from every table. She no longer received dinner invitations from friends. When walking through the park, formerly cordial neighbors gave her the cut direct and walked past without so much as an involuntary tail wag or ear flick. She grew depressed. She took to her bed.
After a time, Lucky Lu emerged, defiant, from her blues. It was time to move on, Lucky Lu decided. And what better place to go than to that land where fallen women and shameless

Lucky Lu was gambling on a career in show biz.
After a visit to a salon, Lucky Lu set off to her first audition. A TV movie: "Luna, Froggier Princess!" With her boughten tousled tresses flowing over her shoulders, Lu made her way to 20th Century Frog Studios, and a life of fame and fortune!
An hour later, she emerged, outraged, disheveled, her glorious polyester

Fallen though she may be, Lucky Lu gathered the rags and tatters of her dignity about her and trotted away from the site of the couchy debauchery, and out into the smoggy air.
Back home once more, Lucky Lu thought long and hard. She looked at herself. She squinted at her reflection and pursed her lips. Then Lucky Lu rid herself of her absurd plastic hair, and she stepped into the warm and bubbly baptism of the bath. She made the water hot. She made the bubbles deep and thick!
She washed away the sin and the slimy traces of prurient producers' paddling paws!
She scrubbed away the memories of her shocking slip into the grip of a gambler's life!
Each bursting bubble bore away the dirt of debasement and depravity!
No more the shame and loneliness of life as a card sharp!
No more the floozy's fun in the Hollywood sun!
Washed and dried! Sanctified! De-skankified! De-flea'd, indeed! Pure, for sure!
Safe again in the welcoming arms of her own foster family!
Free once more to walk among her forgiving fellows in the park as an equal and a friend!
Lu has returned to clean and simple living! Tickles and kisses from her foster mamma,

some time in the yard with a big blue ball, and a satisfying game of fetch with a pretty pink toy: these are thrills enough for our Lu.
That's right: just plain Lu.

Check out her bio and see if you and she were meant to be!

There's just something about a sadder but wiser gal, admits
The Frog Princess